Monday, June 6, 2011

Dzongkha - The Boomerang

Making dzongkha popular can deceptively be easier than having to meddle with the existing curriculum. Teaching subjects such as science, history, geography and social studies in dzongkha would not only impair learning of these subjects but dzongkhag language acquisition would also suffer. With proposals to make dzongkha the medium of instruction brewing in some quarters, it is once again time to listen to experts and learn from our experiences.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Alcohol Menace – Issues, challenges and opportunities

The legendary monk who had to choose one of the three offering from a palang of alcohol, a goat and a woman, chose alcohol as it was the least sinful. But in a drunken stupor, he slaughtered the goat and also committed adultery. That is the legendary story of the three sins of alcohol.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

BBS Live discussion on "Alcohol - issue, challenges and opportunities"

A live BBS TV debate will be held jointly by the BBS and the IMS under the Banner "People's Voice". The program will start at around 7 PM today, 7th April, 2011, right after the Dzongkha news and after the 8 PM in english. All are invited to watch the program

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Debate on Tobacco Law -BBS Live Radio

Listen to the debate on BBS Radio on 6th April at 5:30 PM. The panalist are Norbu Wangchuk, Dr. Tandin Dorji and Lopen Phurba.

People's Voice - The Alcohol debate

Watch the live debate on Alcohol issues, challenges and opportunities on the 7th April, 2011 after the 7 PM and the 8 PM news. The People's Voice is brought to you in colloborations between the BBS and the IMS.

Our Collective Wisdom - Move on with democracy

If the run up to 24th march – the D-Day had been marred with all things politically dirty the immediate post election period is no better. People of all shades from the self claimed political analyst, tshogpas, bar hoppers to rumor mongers have been making the rounds fanning the already festering wounds.

Layoffs – Are our CEOs jumping the bandwagon?

Almost all of a sudden it is here. Only recently we heard of it oceans away. Today, Bhutanese employees in the corporate world are feeling the heat. It is happening to their colleagues. Their turn could be just round the corners.

Is the Bhutanese corporate world missing out the vital element in its effort to embrace change?

Finally customers are having their say in Bhutanese companies. Some business dinosaurs are dead. Others are sick. Rest are either evolving or transforming. That has apparently become the only strategy to survive and succeed. Change and keep changing has become the mantra which the Bhutanese corporate world is beginning to recite. But is our Bhutanese corporate world missing out the vital aspect of change?

CDG - Piece of DPT’s cake?

Many reasons were offered why Constituency Development Grant (CDG) is a bad idea. Almost all the other players who are institutionally accountable for a vibrant democracy criticized CDG. But the DPT government is resolved to roll out 2 million ngultrums annually to every member of the National Assembly to be dished out to their constituencies. The impudence of the DPT government  to go ahead despite criticisms from all around reminds us once again what we had all along feared when DPT was elected with an overwhelming majority. Is CDG a testimony to the evils of majority based democracy?

Ban on Corporal Punishment in Bhutanese schools – is it a tall order?

Teaching in the Bhutanese classrooms are not the same today in an ever complex teaching - learning environment. Almost suddenly, the society demands the “elusive” quality education. On the other hand classrooms have become cramped. Teaching, suddenly is not a one way communication where teachers are knowledge “giver” and students knowledge “receiver”.

Bhutan's Democracy comes of age

Among the Buddhist’s six realms of existence are the demi gods and the gods who are perpetually at war against themselves. The auspicious tree –paksam Joenshing – bears its fruits in the realm of the demi gods while its roots are in the realm of the gods. The conflict over the harvesting rights of the fruits keep the beings of the two realms in constant state of warfare.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Seven E - Leadership tips

1.       Empathize with your followers.
A leader who can easily jump into the shoes of the employees is at a better position to manage and lead the employees. Knowing what your employees are excited about, what causes them stress and what motivates them will greatly help leaders to shape your approach to influence. Spending social times, sharing some leisure moments together and sharing opinions on general issues would help bond the employees and the leader closer into a healthy relationship.